Where the community meets!

TSI Congress 2024

Where the community meets!

Enabeling the transition with Asset Based Finance
10 & 11 October 2024 | Berlin




The topics of the TSI Congress 2024 under the heading "Enabling the transition with Asset Based Finance"


Round Tables & Business Events

A large number of round tables and business events are once again on the programme this year.


Supporting Programme

Our supporting programme offers you the opportunity to exchange ideas and expand your personal network.


Our topics 2024

Enabling the transition with Asset Based Finance

What topics can you expect to see this year under the heading ‘Enabling the transition with asset-based finance’? Policymakers and business leaders broadly agree that the transformation is not only right and important but also involves considerable investment. Leading figures from politics, central banks and supervisory authorities in Germany and Europe unanimously emphasise the crucial role that the European Capital Markets Union should play in financing this process. There is also a clear commitment to strengthening asset-based finance and securitisation in particular. This is obvious, as around 80% of corporate financing in Europe is still provided by banks. In this regard, securitisations are proving to be an ideal instrument for effectively linking bank-based corporate financing with the capital markets. Despite this political agreement, concrete measures are now needed, as little has happened so far.

With a view to the upcoming EU parliamentary elections in June 2024 and the political agenda to be formed for the new legislature in Brussels, the public debate is gaining momentum. The political course for a market organisation that ensures fair competition between the various financial instruments and thus enables asset-based finance to contribute to financing the digital and sustainable transformation should be carefully considered.

We will focus intensively on analysing and discussing the following topics in detail at the TSI Congress 2024:

  1. Geopolitics and the
    macroeconomic environment
  2. Current developments in the financial markets
    in Germany and Europe
  3. Performance and developments of
    individual asset classes
  4. Regulatory

We can rely on the market's ability to work with appropriate regulation that enables a harmonious interplay between sustainability, growth and financial market stability. This will be crucial for a successful economic transformation in the coming decades. The TSI Congress is therefore dedicated to the central topic of promoting change through asset-based finance.

To the agenda

Opening & Closing Forum

Opening Forum

Perspectives for CMU and Transition Finance en

  • Bernd Loewen, Member of the Board, KfW
  • Dr Stefan Henkelmann, Partner, A&O Shearman
  • Marco Iannaccone, Head of Client Solutions Germany, UniCredit
  • Wiebke Merbeth, Partnerin, Deloitte GmbH

  • Frank Müller-Rosentritt, Member of the Bundestag, deputy member of the Finance Committee, Deutscher Bundestag
  • Frank Scheidig, Global Head of Senior Executive Banking, DZ BANK


10 October 2024 | 10.00 to 11.15 a.m., Saal A & B

Closing Forum

Deutschlands Rolle für die Transformation in Europa de

  • Dr Detlef Fechtner, Chief Political Correspondent, Börsen-Zeitung
  • Katharina Beck, Member of Parliament, financial spokesperson, BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN

  • Dr Claudia Conen, Chief Executive, BDL

  • Dr Rolf Strauch, Chief Economist and Management Board Member, European Stability Mechanism

  • Heiko Thoms, Permanent Secretary, BMF

  • Dr Volker Treier, Head of Foreign Trade, Member of the Executive Board & Head of International I AHK, DIHK


11 October 2024 | 12.30 to 1.30 p.m., Saal A & B

Round Tables & Business Events

The following Round Tables & Business Events are on the programme this year, no pre-registration is required.

Investor Kick-off

Market Development and Relative Value across Asset Classes en

  • EU ABS markets development – overview across asset classes
  • Public ABS, CLOs versus SRT trades – trend towards more public?
  • Relative value compared to corporates, sovereigns and covered bonds
  • Green Bond regulation – first issuances on the horizon?


10 October 2024 | 12.00 to 01.00 p.m., Saal A & B

Corporate Special: Round Table

Chancen für die Mittelstandsfinanzierung in Deutschland de

  • Verfügbarkeit von Bankkrediten und alternativen Instrumenten für den Mittelstand
  • Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz, Zahlungsverzugsverordnung und vieles mehr – gibt es auch Entlastung am Regulierungshorizont?
  • Proportionalität als Prinzip für die neue Kommission


10 October 2024 | 04.00 to 05.00 p.m., Salon 4


Soziale Gerechtigkeit in der Marktwirtschaft im Deutschland des 21. Jahrhunderts: Herausforderungen und Lösungen de

Wie beeinflusst die Marktwirtschaft in Deutschland die soziale Ungleichheit, und welche Maßnahmen können dazu beitragen, mehr Chancengleichheit zu schaffen? Diese Fragen stehen im Mittelpunkt unseres diesjährigen WirtschaftsFrühstück, bei dem wir den Zugang zu Bildung, die Rolle der Digitalisierung für soziale Gerechtigkeit sowie die Möglichkeiten einer gerechten Steuerpolitik zur Umverteilung diskutieren. Gastredner Armand Zorn, MdB, wird gemeinsam mit Moderator Dr. Martin Kaiser diese und weitere Aspekte beleuchten. Gemeinsam werfen sie einen umfassenden Blick auf aktuelle Herausforderungen und mögliche Lösungen, um mehr soziale Gerechtigkeit in der Marktwirtschaft des 21. Jahrhunderts zu erreichen. Seien Sie dabei und erleben Sie eine spannende Diskussion zu einem der drängendsten Themen unserer Zeit.

Begleitet von einem Frühstücksbuffet im Raum.


11 October 2024 | 08.15 to 09.15 a.m., Saal A & B


ESG Special: Round Table

Greening Securitisations:
Perspective of ESG Data harmonisation and EuGBS en

Issuer and investor perspective
  • Green bond regulation – clear and consistent framework to kickstart green securitisations?
  • First issuances on the doorstep in January 2025?
  • Role of independent verifiers and second party opinions


11 October 2024 | 11.00 to 12.00 a.m., Saal A & B



80 +
18 th
TSI Congress

Supporting programme

In addition to the purely professional exchange, networking is of course very important during these times. TSI offers all participants of the TSI Congress 2024 an extensive supporting programme.

This year, too, we will start with our pre-congress event at KfW on 9 October.

Immediately following our last panel on the first day of the congress, there will be a networking reception with drinks and finger food, which we cordially invite all guests to attend to review the congress day and share ideas with other participants.

This year, we are also bringing our new TSI Youngsters event series to Berlin for the first time. Parallel to our wine evening (‘by invitation only’), we invite all ‘youngsters’ to strengthen their network and exchange ideas with other young talents.

Afterwards, we again look forward to our popular chill-out and get-together, which this year will take place in our large event area.

To round off the second day of the congress, there will once again be a supporting programme outside the hotel in Berlin.

Some parts of the supporting programme require registration. All participants will receive separate invitations with registration options before the event.

9 October 2024

KfW Reception

KfW continues the tradition of inviting delegates to a reception at its Berlin branch on the evening preceding the Congress. The exclusive setting gives you the opportunity to hold informal initial discussions with other Congress participants.
(A separate invitation will be sent by KfW.)


9 October 2024 | Admission ab 7.00 p.m., Start 7.30 p.m.

10 October 2024

Networking Reception

The workshops and panels on the first day of the congress will be followed by our popular Networking Reception, to which TSI cordially invites you. With a glass of wine or beer you can deepen the discussions of the day or make further contacts.

(All welcome! No prior registration required.)

10 October 2024 | 6.15 to 7.30 p.m.


BAD BANKS, the TV series

How do the series makers approach the world of finance?

Talk with producer Dr Lisa Blumenberg about the worlds of filmmakers and distributors

An unserem Weinabend möchten wir Sie auf eine faszinierende Reise in die Welt des Fernsehens einladen. Im Mittelpunkt des Abends steht die mehrfach preisgekrönte TV-Serie "BAD BANKS", in der es um die skrupellose Welt der Investmentbanken geht, in der eine junge Bankerin in ein Netz aus Machtspielen, Korruption und Verrat verwickelt wird.
Wir freuen uns ganz besonders, Dr. Lisa Blumenberg, die Initiatorin und Produzentin der Serie, bei unserem Weinabend begrüßen zu dürfen. Im Gespräch mit Dr. Michael Weller, einem langjährigen Experten im Verbriefungsmarkt, wird sie uns einen einzigartigen Einblick hinter die Kulissen der Produktion gewähren. Dabei wird sie erläutern, wie es den Serienmachern gelungen ist, die komplexe Finanzwelt sowohl authentisch als auch spannend darzustellen.  

Von der Finanzkrise zur Erfolgsserie:
Inspiriert von den Ereignissen der Finanzkrise 2008 zeigt "BAD BANKS" auf beeindruckende Weise, wie die realen Praktiken und Dynamiken des Finanzsektors in die Dramaturgie der Serie eingeflossen sind. Dr. Blumenberg wird über die Herausforderungen sprechen, denen sich die Produktion gegenübersah, sowie über die notwendige Zusammenarbeit zwischen Kreativen und Finanzexperten, um eine solch authentische und zugleich unterhaltsame Serie zu schaffen.

Wir freuen uns auf einen anregenden Abend, begleitet von erlesenen Weinen und feinem Käse in einer angenehmen Atmosphäre. Seien Sie gespannt auf spannende Geschichten aus der Produktion, interessante Hintergrundinformationen und die Möglichkeit, Ihre Fragen direkt an Dr. Lisa Blumenberg zu stellen. 

By invitation only.

10 October 2024 | 8.00 to 10.00 p.m., Room A&B | en

TSI Youngsters

A look into Fintech & Innovation

Business Insights and Secrets of Success

by Dr. Matthias Knecht, Co-Founder and Fintech Expert of Billie GmbH

This year, we are particularly pleased that our new event format ‘TSI Youngsters’ will also take place during the congress for the first time. This series of events is aimed at young talents in the securitisation market and offers an ideal platform for networking and exchange. All congress participants are cordially invited to network with the next generation and make valuable contacts. The event will be accompanied by an inspiring keynote speech by Dr Matthias Knecht and moderated by Huruy Tesfazion.

10 October 2024 | 8.00 to 10.00 p.m., Salon 4 & 5 | deen

Chill-out & Get-together

From 9.30 pm, everyone can round off the first day of the congress with a cosy "chill-out and get-together". You can once again look forward to finger food and a cocktail bar with colourful drinks creations to try. The chill-out will take place on the ground floor in the congress lounge.

No separate registration necessary.

10 October 2024 | from 9.30 p.m.

11 October 2024

Bunkers, Subways and Cold War

This tour explores Cold War remnants in West Berlin's underground. Some shelters, designed as "multi-purpose structures," now serve as underground stations, parking garages, and storage facilities. By showcasing these preparations, the tour aims to convey the realities and horrors of potential conflict.
First, we visit the "Blochplatz" civil defense shelter, originally a WWII air-raid shelter renovated in the 1980s to accommodate 1,318 people for up to 48 hours. Then, after a short U-Bahn ride to Pankstrasse station, we explore a "modern" bunker from 1977, designed to shelter 3,339 people for up to two weeks and currently functioning as a U-Bahn stop. This gives insight into what life might have been like during a nuclear war.

Meeting point hotel lobby. Booking required, maximum 25 participants.

11 October 2024 | 2.30 – 5.00 p.m. | en

Visit to the dome of the Reichstag & Parliamentary History Exhibition "From the Reichstag to the Bundestag"

The exhibition "From the Reichstag to the Bundestag" is located in the dome of the Reichstag building. In twelve showcases, the exhibition tells the story of the Reichstag building from its beginnings to the present day, using selected pictures, documents and short texts. It recalls important events in German parliamentary history and presents other parliamentary sites in Germany. The exhibition was conceived by the House of History of the Federal Republic of Germany Foundation.

This is not a guided tour, you are free to move around during your visit.

Meeting point hotel lobby. Booking required, maximum 30 participants.

11 October 2024 | from 2.45 – 5.00 p.m. | de en

Guided tour of PERGAMON. Masterpieces of the ancient metropolis and 360° panorama by Yadegar Asisi

The panorama takes visitors back to the year 129 AD and shows the ancient city of Pergamon on the west coast of Asia Minor. Yadegar Asisi reconstructs the state of the city in the High Roman Imperial Period under the reign of Emperor Hadrian (117-138 AD). The image content of the first Pergamon Panorama has been extensively revised. In collaboration with the team at the Collection of Classical Antiquities, around 40 new scenes were designed and added to the image. For this purpose, an elaborate photo shoot took place in a Berlin film studio in October 2017.

Meeting point hotel lobby. Registration required, maximum 20 participants.

11 October 2024 | from 2.50 – 5.30 p.m. | de en

Guided tour through Futurium

Futurium is a lively place that stands for open exchange and the exploration of possible futures.

As a house of futures, Futurium seeks answers to the question "How do we want to live?" It presents different concepts for the future – from the fields of science, politics, business, culture and civil society – and highlights their potential impact. Futurium is international, networked and independent.

The future options in the exhibitions are designed to be interactive, controversial discussions take place in the forum, and trying things out is at the heart of the laboratory. As a place of education and science communication, the Futurium conveys scientific findings and concrete realisations in a way that is as accessible as possible.

In this way, Futurium encourages people to help shape a sustainable future.

Meeting point hotel lobby. Booking required, maximum 25 participants.

11 October 2024 | from 3.20 – 4.55 p.m. | en

The Congress

The TSI Congress is taking place for the 18th time this year. You can find all general information here.

Become a sponsor

Become part of the community as a sponsor of the TSI Congress 2024 and find all information on sponsorship options here.

Speaker 2024

See which speakers have been confirmed for the TSI Congress 2024 even before the agenda is published.

Topic table

"Enabling the transition with Asset Based Finance" - an overview of all topics at the TSI Congress 2024.

What else awaits you

The TSI Congress 2024 will once again take place as a purely onsite event this year. Instead of recording the panels, we are offering a user-friendly event app. You can use this app to network with other congress participants, communicate, create your personal agenda and find your way around the event.

The marketplace area will fill the entire hotel lobby this year. We will thus be bringing all exhibitors together in one place and using the previous marketplace area as a congress lounge.

Get your ticket now!

Secure your ticket for the TSI Congress 2024 – the must-attend event for the entire securitisation and asset-based finance industry. We look forward to welcoming you to Berlin.

To the registration

Review 2023

2023 was undoubtedly a very special year.

It was characterised by the exciting change of the congress venue. We are delighted that this transition went smoothly and that the response from our community was extremely positive.

See for yourself:

To the Photo gallery 2023

Click here to go to last year's full event website

TSI Congress 2023

Become a sponsor!

Discover the many ways to present your company in the community. Our extensive marketing outline includes a variety of sponsorship packages and different options to give your company more visibility in the community. We would be happy to put together a customised package for you.

To the Marketing Outline

Your contact person

Do you have any questions about the event or would you like to become part of a unique community in the German financial market as a sponsor of the TSI Congress 2024? I look forward to hearing from you!

Stella Dubielzig

Project management & sponsoring